Birds Gallery

Acrylics on Canvas

All paintings have frames. Call for details.


Babies - $75.


9" x 11"

I am unable to recall where I found these baby birds to paint. They were so sweet and precious, I wanted to capture them in a painting.

Feathered Flight - $700.


24" x 36"

The birds and waterfall were referenced at Cypress Gardens, FL. Cypress Gardens was a treasure trove of spectacular images and subjects for painting. It was my favorite place for creating art.

Florida Garden - $1200.


36" x 48"

The yellow hibiscus was growing in my yard. The cockatiels were different angles of my sister’s bird. I designed the layout.

Hannibal Reach - $200.


18" x 24"

I was commissioned to paint a macaw called Hannibal. In preparing for the painting, I took several photo shots of Hannibal. This is one of his poses.

Intruder - $400.


24" x 30"

This “Intruder” was referenced in Silver Springs, FL. They seemed very annoyed at the approaching people thus the title “Intruder”. I love the pink and turquoise colors so prevalent in Florida so I took artistic license and made the sky pink.

Logging Time - $500.


30" x 40"

This painting of sleeping ducks was referenced in the butterfly atrium at Cypress Gardens, FL. I used the third duck on the log for the painting named “Sleepytime Duck”.

Macaw Trio - $150.


11" x 14" Acrylics on Watercolor Paper

This acrylic painting was done on watercolor paper and is under glass. It is different poses of a blue macaw. The photos are of macaws at Down The Hatch restaurant in Port Orange, FL near the Ponce Inlet lighthouse.

Macaw on Side - $135.


6" x 12"

This macaw was clinging to his cage at the Down The Hatch restaurant in Port Orange, FL near Ponce Inlet Lighthouse. It was in such an unusual position from the norm, I thought it would make an interesting painting.

Sleeping Macaw - $500.


30" x 40"

The macaw in this painting was referenced at the Sanford Zoo in Sanford, FL. I played with the perspective in this painting. I feel it can be mesmerizing with the different levels of perception.

Sleepytime Duck - $200.


18" x 24"

This painting was referenced in the butterfly atrium at Cypress Gardens, FL. This is a companion piece with the “Logging Time” painting. This is the third duck on the log.

The Swan - $400.


22" x 28"

I found the swan swimming in a lake in Lakeland, FL. It was so graceful and beautiful, I had to paint it.

Tropical Morning - $500.


30" x 40"

The macaw in this painting was referenced at the Sanford Zoo in Sanford, FL. The foliage was referenced from various places in Florida including my backyard. The sunrise was taken from a sunrise at Playlinda Beach, FL.

Whimsical Wind - $1000.


24" x 36"

This painting was referenced at the aviary at Lowery Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida. I had the perfect camera shot when the wind came and blew the leaves over the birds head causing him to look up. I think it turned out even better than what I had planned. Sometimes the unexpected causes the best results. This bird really does exist.